Therapy Services
Physical Therapy
Our experienced physical therapy staff is passionate about your recovery. Your program will be designed with your individual needs in mind as we work to help you regain as much strength and functionality as possible following an injury, illness or stay in a rehabilitation center.
- Orthopedic
- Neurological
- Post-operative rehabilitation
- Manual therapy
- Lymphedema therapy
- Myofascial therapy
- Vestibular therapy
- Worker's compensation
- Neck and back pain
- SI Joint & pelvic asymmetry
- Spinal traction (decompression)
- Wellness and injury prevention
Specialized Speech-Language Therapy
- Dysarthria, aphasia, or apraxia
- Swallow deficits
- Augmentative communication
- Cognitive therapy
Special Programs
- Balance and Fall Prevention
- Evidence-based speech, physical and occupational therapies designed for patients with Parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions including stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and Down Syndrome
Scheduling (804) 443-6090
Office (804) 443-6090
Fax (804) 443-6089
Please call for appointment times and hours of operation.