Participating Insurance Plans
We participate in the insurance plans listed below, which include Medicare and Medicaid. We do not always participate in every health plan or every product a health plan offers. Since these relationships can change, we recommend that you verify participation, coverage levels, and benefit criteria with your health plan authorized representative prior to receiving services.
Government Plans
- Medicare
- Medicaid of Virginia
- Tricare
- Veterans Administration, if authorized
- Veterans Affairs Community Care Network
Medicaid of Virginia HMOs
- Aetna Better Health
- Anthem Healthkeepers Plus
- Molina Healthcare
- Sentara Community Plan (excluding Sentara Medicaid Kaiser Permanente)
- United Healthcare Community Plan
Commercial Health Plans
- Aetna
- Aetna "Richmond" Exchange only (excludes all other Aetna Exchange plans)
- Anthem
- Anthem Exchange (Pathway and Pathway Tiered Networks)
- CIGNA (excluding Cigna Connect Exchange)
- MedCost/Virginia Health Network
- Multiplan/PHCS
- Sentara Health Plan
- Sentara Health Plan Exchange (Direct and Standard)
- United Healthcare Group #VAONEX Exchange only (excludes all other UHC Exchange plans)
Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C)
- Aetna
- Anthem (excluding Caremore/Carelon)
- Cigna Medicare
- Clear Spring Health (plan ending 12/31/24)
- Humana
- Molina Healthcare
- Sentara Health Plan
- United Healthcare

Medicaid Renewal Letters are coming back!
Important changes are coming to Virginia Medicaid and CHIP program eligibility.