The Department of Pathology at VCU Health
These are transformative and exciting times for the discipline of Pathology and the Department of Pathology. Driving this transformation are advances in molecular diagnosis, informatics, biobanking, translational/personalized medicine, and market shifts to a value-based practice model. As a primary provider of healthcare diagnosis, we seek to lead rather than be driven by change.
The evidence of how we are meeting these challenges is manifest by the investments that are being made in the physical and intellectual capital of the department. In the winter of 2015, our Precision Medicine was created, with Dr. Clevenger as its lead, resulting in a working group that coordinates Molecular Pathology, Tissue Banking, Genetics, and Informatics. Significant institutional investment in this entity has resulted in a rapid acceleration of the capabilities of our Molecular Pathology division in terms of new faculty, staff, space, and cutting edge Next Generation panel and whole exome sequencers. Concurrently, investments were also made in informatics that will result in an institution-wide electronic data warehouse, enabling robust outcomes-based research. New faculty hires in hematology, molecular pathology, anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, cytogenetics and dermatopathology in 2015/6 have enhanced our clinical mission. The department has also recruited four distinguished cancer biology researchers and has plans for an additional two representing a major basic research expansion of the department.
The Department of Pathology is a diverse clinical, research, and teaching department within the School of Medicine, located in Richmond, Virginia. We offer a full range of pathology services to physicians, researchers, and patients at our urban teaching hospital dedicated to serving the patients and physicians of central Virginia.
We have 42 full-time Pathology faculty based at the MCV campus and five additional faculty based at the Richmond VA Medical Center. Our faculty supervise 14 hospital laboratories including Histopathology, Neuropathology, Cytopathology, Autopsy Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Cytogenetics, Hematology, Coagulation, Microbiology, Immunology, Clinical Chemistry, Toxicology, and Transfusion Medicine. Our clinical laboratories are staffed by 379 full-time equivalent hospital team members who performed more than 2.9 million billable tests this year.
Our scientists are supported by numerous research grants, primarily from NIH, with extramural funding in excess of $2.8 million in 2015, a remarkable 50% increase since 2012. We have funded research programs in molecular diagnostics, blood banking, infectious disease, growth factor signal transduction, hepatobiliary and breast cancer, and the pathobiology of metastasis. There is also a wide variety of clinical and applied research in all areas of pathology and laboratory medicine.
Currently, 14 Residents and 7 Fellows are in our training programs. The education residents receive in our AP, CP, and Molecular Divisions is of the highest caliber, in part because of the dedication of our faculty to Pathology education, as evidenced by their leadership in GME at the local and national levels. Our program's unique balance offers outstanding career preparation. Most of our trainees go on to complete academic fellowships at prestigious institutions throughout the country.
You are invited to visit our website and learn more about our programs, our people, and how we seek to transform Pathology and the practice of medicine. We welcome you to be a part of the exciting times that lie ahead in Richmond.
Charles V. Clevenger, MD, PhD
Chair, Department of Pathology
Carolyn Wingate Hyde Professor in Cancer Biology
Associate Director, MD/PhD Program
Lead, Precision Medicine