Conditions we treat
Comprehensive care for movement disorders
We are dedicated to making your experience as smooth as possible by offering access to a team of specialists all in one place. Whether your doctor refers you or you decide to make an appointment yourself, we're here to help you and your family. We provide comprehensive evaluation, treatment, and care for all types of movement disorders, with some of the most common being:
Understanding different movement disorders and their symptoms
Movement disorders can cause different symptoms depending on the specific type. Learn more about the movement disorders below and their symptoms:
What is Ataxia?
Ataxia is a sign of an abnormality in the brain or nerves causing difficulty coordinating movements. It can effect walking, arm and leg control, speaking, swallowing and activities requiring fine motor control. There are many causes of Ataxia including stroke, certain vitamin deficiencies, drug or alcohol use, genetic diseases, Wilson's disease, multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy. Diagnosis is made through physical exam and certain tests depending on your history and exam.
What is Blepharospasm?
Blepharospasm is a neurological condition which causes involuntary blinking and spasm of the eyelids. It can be a sign of another neurological disease or it can be isolated. Botulinum toxin injections are the most effective treatment for blepharospasm and this can be done through our clinic.
What is Corticobasal degeneration?
Corticobasal degeneration is a progressive neurological condition caused by abnormal tau protein in the brain cells. It causes symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease such as rigidity, slowness of movement, tremor and imbalance. It can also cause cognitive impairment or dementia. It does not typically respond well to medications used to treat Parkinson's disease, but there are ways to help manage symptoms such as providing supportive medications and therapies.
What is dementia with Lewy Bodies?
Dementia with Lewy Bodies is a neurodegenerative disease causing fluctuating symptoms of progressive cognitive decline, Parkinsonism and hallucinations. It can also cause anxiety, depression and sleep disturbances. People with DLB are often very sensitive to medications used to treat Parkinson's disease and do not tolerate them well, but there are ways to help manage symptoms such as providing supportive medications and therapies.
What is Huntington’s disease?
Huntington Disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disease. HD is most often thought of as a movement disorder, but it also causes emotional and behavioral changes, and cognitive decline. The symptoms associated with HD usually become more severe over time. Currently there is not a cure for HD, but there are medications to manage the symptoms. There are also many other ways to improve a person's independence and quality of life.
What is Multiple System Atrophy?
Multiple System Atrophy is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by abnormal accumulation of alpha synuclein proteins in the brain. It is similar to Parkinson's disease and is characterized by rigidity, tremor, slowness of movement and instability. It is also associated with autonomic nervous system problems such as low blood pressure and sensation of light headedness, urinary incontinence, and lower leg swelling. Some patients also have abnormal coordination. It does not typically respond well to medications used to treat Parkinson's disease, but there are ways to help manage symptoms such as providing supportive medications and therapies.
What is Myoclonus?
Myoclonus is an abnormal neurological sign, not a disease. It is characterized by sudden, involuntary, abnormal jerking of muscles. It can be benign or associated with a variety of neurological diseases. Myoclonus can be treated with medications.
What is Parkinsonism?
Parkinsonism is a group of symptoms similar to those found in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism can be caused by Parkinson's disease, cerebrovascular disease, certain medications, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, Multiple System Atrophy, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal degeneration. All types of Parkinsonism are clinical diagnoses which means that they are diagnosed by history and physical exam. Treatment depends on the type of Parkinsonism diagnosed by the provider.
What is PSP?
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by abnormal accumulation of tau proteins in the brain. It causes symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease with slowness, stiffness and tremor. It can also cause slowness of eye movements, mood and cognitive changes and early falls. It often does not respond well to medications used to treat Parkinson's disease, but there are ways to help manage symptoms such as providing supportive medications and therapies.
What is Restless Legs Syndrome?
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological condition which causes abnormal sensations in the legs and sometimes arms resulting in an uncontrollable urge to move. Movement helps relieve the symptoms temporarily. Symptoms generally occur at night, but can occur during the day as well when trying to rest or relax.
What is Tardive Dyskinesia?
Tardive Dyskinesia is a neurological disease causing abnormal and involuntary movements. Most often, these movements are seen in the tongue, lips and face, but they can also occur in the arms, legs or torso. It is caused by taking certain medications for psychiatric or gastrointestinal disorders, usually for long periods of time.
What are Tics?
Tics are involuntary, repetitive movements (motor tics) and vocalizations (vocal tics). Tics are usually associated with a sensation or urge to perform the tic (premonitory sensation) followed by a sense of relief afterwards. They are a symptom of neurodevelopmental disorders which begin in childhood. Tourette syndrome is a tic disorder characterized by having a combination of two motor tics and one vocal tic for one year or more. Education, environmental adaptations and medications can help manage symptoms.
What is Wilson's Disease?
Wilson's disease is a rare genetic disorder causing abnormal accumulation of copper in the liver, brain and other organs. Symptoms can include fatigue, yellowing of the skin, abdominal pain, abnormal movements, depression and anxiety. It is diagnosed with laboratory tests and treated with chelation, medications and diet changes.
What is Writers / Musicians Cramp?
Writers and Musicians Cramp is a type of focal dystonia causing abnormal and involuntary contractions of hand muscles when performing specific activities such as writing or playing a musical instrument. It can be treated with exercises, adaptive techniques, botulinum toxin injections or medications.