Publications, Presentations and Recognition
Awards and Recognition
- Presidential Quest Fund Award (Bridging the Gap)
- Robins Foundation Grant Recipient (Emerging Leaders)
- Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance Catalyst Award (Project Empower)
- National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED) (IVPP)
- Governor's Transportation Safety Award- Impaired Driving (GRACY)
- Effect of Adapting Hospital based violence intervention program (HVIP) to the COVID-19 pandemic
- HVIP Collaborative presentations
- Bon Secours/ MERCY Health System
- Riverside Regional Medical Center
- Sentara Careplex
- Critical call for hospital-based domestic violence (DV) Intervention: the Davis Challenge (WEST Annual Meeting)
- HVIP Collaborative presentations
- Riverside Regional
- Norfolk General
- Hospital-community based violence prevention (Public Health & Gun Violence Summit for Clinicians)
- PTSD screening- Timing is everything (EAST Annual Conference)
- An interdisciplinary approach to domestic violence: A case study review (Rao R. Ivatury Trauma Symposium)
- Effectiveness of violence intervention for trauma patients: A case study review (Rao R. Ivatury Trauma Symposium)
- HITS tool: The importance and feasibility of screening patients for intimate partner violence (VCU Emswiller Interprofessional symposium)
- The role of the trauma center and IVPP in the community (Lewis Ginter Lecture Series)
- Role of the trauma center in the community (Commission on Youth-Family Impact Seminar at the State Capital)
- Bridging the gap between clinical care and public health (PTS Presidential Address)
- How to develop a hospital-community based injury & violence prevention program (PTS annual congress)
- Youth Violence, Global Crises-local solutions (World Trauma Congress)
- IVPP youth violence programs (Juvenile Justice Prevention Workgroup)
- Bridging the Gap (Youth Violence Prevention Consortium, VDH)
- Pitfalls in injury & violence hospital-based programs (PTS)
- Injury prevention & the role of the Trauma center (I Jornada Internacional de Trauma de Hospital Samaritano)
- Pitfalls in Hospital-Community based violence prevention programs (Trauma & Surgical critical care symposium & NNHVIP annual conference)
- Injury prevention program- how to build (PTS annual congress)
- Post-traumatic stress symptoms in a violently injured civilian population: A need for hospital identification and resources.
- VCUHS Trauma Unit's role in violence prevention (VCU OT/PT Grand Rounds)
- Injury & Violence Prevention Program- Hospital-based paradigm (VCUMC's Advanced Practice Provider Council)
- MCHVH's Injury & Violence Prevention Program- Highlighting Alcohol Diversion Program (VCUMC Shining Knight Gala)
- Trauma & Injury & Violence Prevention Program (Cosby High School/ VCU Health Science Exploration course)
- Get Real Alcohol Choice and Consequences for Youth (VDOT)
- Intimate Partner Violence Reduction in the Health Care System and the integration of the forensic unit into a multidisciplinary- Evidence based response (IAFN, VA Chapter)
- Changing attitude toward violence: the effect of brief hospital based interventions (EAST Annual Assembly)
- University program for injury and violence prevention (International collaboration conference)
- Bridging the Gap: Brief Violence Interventions (BVI) with Community Case management services (CCMS) (EAST Injury control and violence prevention committee)
- VCU Health's Injury & Violence Prevention Program- Highlighting Youth Violence Prevention (VCU Health Shining Knight Gala)
- Injury & Violence Prevention Program- A Paradigm Shift for Trauma Centers (Virginia Organization of Nurse Executives & Leaders Annual Symposium)
- Gang violence and the medical system (Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners Annual Conference)
- Bridging the Gap: Hospital based youth violence prevention program- Does it work? (Youth Violence Symposium)
- Youth Violence Project- Bridging the Gap (PTS Annual congress)
- Bridging the Gap: A program to reduce recidivism for youth admitted to the hospital (Grand Rounds: VCU Dept. of Psychiatry)
- Youth gang violence & The health care system (Pediatrics at the Beach)
- A Brief Violence Interventions (BVI) with Community Case management services (CCMS) are effective for high risk trauma patients (AAST Annual Conference)
- Gang violence and the role of the trauma center (Columbian National Trauma Congress)
- Youth gang violence and the MCV/VCU experience (VCUHS Nursing Grand Rounds)
- Trauma Centers, Injuries & Violence Prevention Programs- the New Paradigm (Virginia trauma system oversight & managements committee meeting)
- Trauma Centers, Injuries and Violence- the New Paradigm.
- Urban trauma vs. Rural trauma- Should prevention efforts be similar (Word Congress of Surgery (ISS/SIC)
- Bridging the Gap: Translating urban youth violence into prevention (VCU Trauma Conference)
- National and local approaches to ending youth violence and recidivism (VCU Pediatric Grand Rounds)
- Trauma Centers & the Injury Prevention Paradigm (Trauma and Critical Care Symposium)
- Youth gang violence and the Medical System (Virginia EMS symposium)
- Youth gang violence in the Americas; Prevention and Intervention strategies (Trauma/ Surgical Critical Care Annual Symposium)
- Violence: Injury control and prevention (TRAUMACARE)
- Firearms in America- The crisis continues (EAST Annual Conference)
- VHHA HVIP Initiative
- Training & Technical Assistance Provider
- Member Hospital
- Mayor's Gun Violence Framework Planning Committee (Richmond)
- Henrico
- Richmond
- Chesterfield
- RVA Alternative Pathways
- Inspire Workgroup
Organization Memberships & Expertise
National & International
- The HAVI
- HAVI certified National Training Center
- American College of Surgeons (ACS) - Injury and Violence Prevention Committee
- Panamerican Trauma Society (PTS) -Injury and Violence Prevention Committee
- American Association for Surgery of Trauma (AAST) - Injury Prevention Committee
State & Local
- Richmond Redevelopment & Housing Authority (RRHA) - Prevention/Intervention
Major Funders - Programs
- Bridging the Gap
- Training & Technical Assistance
- Project Empower
- Project Empower
- Project Empower
- Project IMPACT
- Emerging Leaders (Inspire Workgroup)
- Project Empower
- Project Empower