Get Real About Choices-&-Consequences for You
About GR-ACY
Many adults and adolescents are risk-takers and rarely consider the consequences of their risk-taking behavior. Preventable injuries are the leading cause of death for those aged 14 to 25 years. Nationally, more than 40% of these unintentional deaths are the result of motor vehicle crashes and 40% of these crashes are alcohol or drug related. In Virginia, the DMV reported that in 2020, there were 272 persons killed and 3,986 persons injured in alcohol-related crashes. Within this group, 10 fatalities and 252 of those injured were aged 15-19.
GR-ACY Educational Program
GR-ACY offers juveniles and adults the opportunity to observe patients across the patient care continuum. They observe the patient experience posttraumatic injury and participate in simulation activities to reinforce the consequences and to “make it real” for them, such as a wheelchair obstacle course, the Intoxiclock, and “Fatal Vision” goggles.
To reinforce the educational program, the participants journal their experiences and complete at-home exercises such as writing their own obituary, attending a 12-step meeting, and participating in an open discussion about their GR-ACY experience.
Two educational workshops are offered during the program. The first workshop: “Alcohol & Other Drugs, its effects on you, your family and the community”, is presented by VCUMC substance abuse staff. In the second workshop, “Judicial and Legal Choices”, a police officer speaks to inform and discuss the criminal, judicial, and legal consequences of alcohol and drug use for adults and underage adolescents.
The final phase of the program is a community service component. Each program participant completes thirty hours of community service within six weeks of completion of the GR-ACY educational program. In addition, participants complete surveys and are followed for recidivism for one year after the program. Youth participants receive a certificate upon completion of the program during a graduation ceremony, and adult participants are presented with their certificates by the judge in court.
GR-ACY seeks to form a collaborative with the community to address the issues of alcohol and drugs. Through providing an interactive, educational program that addresses the choices and consequences involved in alcohol and drug-related activities, GR-ACY aims to affect the attitudes and behavior of offenders to decrease recidivism and prevent injury.
The program includes:
- 18 hours of education, observations, and simulation.
- Direct observation of trauma patients in VCU Medical Center's, Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit, Acute Care floor and Rehabilitation Unit.
- Observation of patients having sustained injury as a consequence of alcohol and/or drugs.
- Participation in simulation activities following each direct observation experience.
- Educational workshops for participants and parents on drugs and alcohol and its effects.
- Educational workshops on judicial and legal consequences.
- At home activities to reinforce the reality of trauma.
- Meaningful, community service activities.
Program Fee
There is a fee of $100.00 for the GR-ACY Program. If you have any questions, please email or call (804) 628-4367
GR-ACY — Collaborators & Partners
- Chesterfield County Juvenile & Domestic Courts
- Chesterfield Fire & EMS
- Chesterfield District and Commonwealth Attorneys
- Chesterfield Probation Office
- Chesterfield Police Department
- Chesterfield Drug Court
- Henrico County Courts System
- Richmond Courts System
- Richmond Police Department
- Drive Smart Virginia
- VCU Health
If your organization is interested in partnering with us or learning more about partnership opportunities, please contact: