Genetic and Community Resources
Care Connection for Children
A partner in the Virginia Children's Special Healthcare Needs network—This is a statewide network of regional programs that provide health care coordination, community resources to children that live in Virginia, are under 21 years old, and have a physical disorder that is expected to last 12 months or longer. Call about your child or refer a patient: Phone (804) 827-1795 Toll free 1-866-737-5965
Early Intervention Services
Find out if you child needs therapy to help meet developmental milestones or refer a patient by calling 1-800-234-1448 (general hotline)
Birth Defects
Cancer & Cancer Genetics
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
Chromosome Disorders
- Trisomy 18, 13, & Related Disorders
Clinical Trials
Genetic Conditions
- Understanding Genetic Conditions - Genetics Home reference
- Medline Plus - English
- Medline Plus - Spanish
Genetic Organizations, Education, & Societies
- The American College of Medical Genetics
- Coalition of State Genetics Coordinators
- The National Society of Genetic Counselors Learn about what a genetic counselor can offer you
- Virginia Association of Genetic Counselors
Genetic Testing
Genetics Education
- Genetics Education Center
- National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics
Rare Diseases
Support Groups
Disclaimer: The above links are informational only. We have no responsibility for the information provided.