Pauley Active in Heart Month Events
February brought a whirlwind of activities for the VCU Pauley Heart Center during the American Heart Association’s Heart Month. On Feb. 5, VCU Health served as the Presenting Sponsor of the AHA’s “Bollywood Goes Red” benefit, which brought Indian food, music, and entertainment to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. The “Go Red” theme continued on Feb. 6, when VCU Health employees wore red to work to help raise awareness about women’s heart disease and stroke.
Additionally, the Pauley Heart Center held the first annual Women’s Heart Health Symposium (see article, p. 9) and physicians took part in a lecture series at Lewis-Ginter Botanical Gardens, covering new treatments for atrial fibrillation, women’s heart health, and peripheral artery disease. Also during the month, VCU cardiologists answered questions on Twitter and Phoebe Ashley, MD appeared on Virginia This Morning.
“It was a busy month but a rewarding one,” says Chairman of Cardiology Kenneth Ellenbogen, MD. “At events such as our symposium and lecture series, audiences were very engaged and appreciated the information that we provided.”
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