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Inflammation and the heart

Pauley experts are renowned worldwide for researching critical links

Hypertension change agents

Students to become the teachers in blood pressure pilot program called Teach BP

Letter from the director

Comments from Dr. Greg Hundley

Patient-as-provider profile: A.J. Cardounel, M.D.

Bypass surgery gives Pauley Heart Center cardiothoracic surgeon a unique perspective

Pauley fellows in the spotlight

Young scientists shine at American College of Cardiology Scientific Session and Expo

Richmond Magazine recognizes Pauley’s ‘Top Docs’

18 providers singled out for excellent patient care

COVID-19 vaccine and heart patients

Our experts answer questions about vaccine-related myocarditis and pericarditis

MRI technology advances research and patient care

Cardiovascular imaging suite with 3T MRI sets Pauley apart

R25 grant funds fellowship program for underrepresented students

Multiple universities participating in program that emphasizes research

Dr. Walter Paulsen retires after more than 40 years

Revered faculty member advanced VCU Health's structural heart program

A novel approach to treating arrhythmias

High-dose targeted radiation therapy provides ‘great outcome’ to patient with end-stage ventricular tachycardia

In Memoriam: Hermes Kontos, M.D.

Virginia Commonwealth University and VCU Health lost an academic pioneer when Hermes Kontos, M.D., former dean of the VCU School of Medicine and former CEO of the VCU Health System Authority, passed a

In Memoriam: Santosh Padala, M.D.

Colleagues, friends and patients of Santosh Padala, M.D., are mourning his sudden loss. Dr. Padala, an assistant professor of medicine specializing in cardiac electrophysiology at Pauley Heart Center,

Join our Pauley Consortium composed of patients, friends and advocates.

Join our Pauley Consortium composed of patients, friends and advocates.