Pauley Hosts 2nd Annual Heart Walk
On Oct. 7, crowds gathered for the American Heart Association Richmond Heart Walk at West Creek Parkway. That same day, a group of heart and stroke patients and their supporters strolled through hospital hallways as part of Pauley’s second annual “internal” heart walk. The event took place in VCU Medical Center’s Main Hospital, and the cardiovascular thoracic surgical step-down unit, where stroke patients reside.
“All patients and family members were invited to participate. Cumulatively, we had 2,786 laps, which totaled 253 miles. One patient did 62 laps throughout the day,” said Kimberly Nelson, doctor of nursing practice, clinical nurse specialist. Last year, she and transplant patient Craig Trowbridge launched Pauley’s first internal heart walk.
New this year, were vendors such as Zoll Medical Corporation, which demonstrated its LifeVest defibrillator and sponsored the lunch, as well as Hands Only CPR, Mended Hearts and Air Medical Transport.
This year’s participants raised $5,140 for the AHA. Including both walks, VCU Health teams brought in $54,000 for the organization.
Channel 6 was on hand. The opening ceremony featured speeches by Nelson as well as Deborah Davis, CEO of VCU Hospitals and Clinics, Melinda Hancock, chief financial officer of VCU Health System; and a patient. “We encouraged everyone to participate in fighting heart disease and stroke by being active,” said Nelson.
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