Letter from the Chairman
Friends and Supporters,
Saving a teenager with a rare genetic heart defect, welcoming new practitioners, celebrating 100 TAVRs, continuing leading-edge research and growing our practice have marked the prior six months. In this issue of The Beat, we share about these achievements.
You’ll read about our expansion and growth to new locations with new providers who bring extensive knowledge to our clinical and research programs. Access and outreach are core values for us, and because of that, this expansion to outlying clinics engages more people in Central Virginia and aids us in our ability to build relationships with community practitioners. These community relationships are central to our mission as an academic center.
Inside you will also read about our basic, clinical and translational science. Much of what we are doing is only happening in Virginia at VCU, and we are proud of that. From heart failure to valve disease, cardiac cath to electrophysiology and cardiac surgery, we are steadfast in our commitment to developing and delivering the latest science and interventions for our patients. Those of you who support us make this continued progress possible, and for that we are so grateful.
On behalf of Dr. Vig Kasirajan in Cardiac Surgery and our teams of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, please enjoy this issue of The Beat, and thank you for your continued and steadfast support.
Warmest Regards,
Kenneth A. Ellenbogen, M.D.
Chairman, Division of Cardiology
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