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Back to Autumn 2019

Calendar of Events

Join Pauley this fall and winter for some fun and informative community events.

September 14, 2019: American Heart Association Heart Walk at VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital in South Hill

Complete a one-mile route around the hospital, then enjoy food and games, music, blood pressure checks and health information, and an appearance by VCU mascot Rodney the Ram.

October 4, 2019: 5th Annual Pauley Heart Center Internal Heart Walk

For the fifth year, heart and stroke patients and their supporters will take part in this special walk around the VCU Medical Center’s hallways to raise funds for the AHA.

October 5, 2019: American Heart Association Annual Richmond Heart Walk

Lace up your tennis shoes for the 2019 Richmond Heart Walk. This year’s walk includes a 5K at Monroe Park. VCU Health is one of the sponsors of this fundraising event, which is co-chaired by Dr. Peter Buckley, dean of the VCU School of Medicine.

November 16-18, 2019: American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2019

The AHA’s annual meeting devoted to the future of cardiovascular medicine and science will take place in Philadelphia. The prominent speakers will include Pauley researcher Dr. Fadi Salloum.

November 2, 2019: American Heart Association Innovation of the Heart

The AHA and VCU Health will co-host this kickoff for the Richmond Heart Ball, held at the McGlothlin Medical Education Center. The event will highlight AHA-funded research in the Richmond community.

December 14, 2019: High School to Health Care

Dr. Greg Hundley will lead this daylong program, now in its second year, which introduces students in grades 9-12 and their parents to a variety of health care occupations in cardiology.

February 8, 2020: 5th Annual Heart Health in Women Symposium

Led by Drs. Phoebe Ashley and Jordana Kron, this Continuing Medical Education (CME) event brings together prominent heart doctors from Pauley and across the U.S. to speak on the latest developments in women’s cardiac health.


Back to Autumn 2019
Read Next StoryDr Thomas Porter Presents ResearchMeet Dr Jin Lee of CHoRDr Antonio Abbate HonoredVCU Students and Faculty Present ResearchCelebrating 40 Years of AngioplastyDr Greg Hundley Co Hosts Weekly PodcastConference Brings Clarity to Heart FailureCongratulations Dr EllenbogenEarly Pioneers Inspire Todays Cath LabIn MemoriamIn Remembrance Dr Michael HessA Look at VCUs Cardio Oncology ResearchRare Complication Meets Its MatchA New Chapter BeginsWelcome New FacultyQ and A with Dr Michael KontosMCV Alumni Initiates Thames Kontos AwardA Heart of Gold Meet Dr Beverly SpencerLetter from the DirectorPauley Celebrates a Record Year for GrantsCalendar of EventsFirst Place in National Jeopardy ContestVCUs Jordana Kron is Searching for AnswersMeet Dr Amy Ladd Clinical StudiesDr Huizar Recognized for Excellence
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Join our Pauley Consortium composed of patients, friends and advocates.