Letter from the Chairman
Friends and Supporters,
It’s an exciting time at Pauley. In this month’s issue, you will read about amazing research, new facilities, state-of-the-art technologies, grateful patients and our first-ever director, Dr. Greg Hundley.
Hundley is well-respected—not just in Virginia or the U.S., but all over the world—for his groundbreaking research in cardiac imaging. Like many of our faculty members, he is not satisfied with the status quo but is continually thinking about ways to improve patient outcomes and prevent heart disease. He’s a thoughtful, brilliant and very warm human being. We are so delighted to have him here and hope you will enjoy reading about him in the cover story.
Our new Cardiovascular Imaging Suite will support Hundley’s research, including his collaborative work with VCU Massey Cancer Center. The venture was made possible through the support of our great friends, Stan and Dorothy Pauley.
One of my favorite stories is about our bright cardiology fellows, who recently placed second in the national Fellows-in-Training Jeopardy contest at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session. I could not be more pleased. It’s a testament to the outstanding education they have received.
Finally, in this issue, you’ll also read about the plans for a new Surgical Innovation Suite, unveiled at our Consortium dinner in May. In gratitude for the care he received at VCU Health, David Cottrell, along with his wife, Christine, provided a generous lead gift for the new suite. “When I arrived, I was your patient,” he wrote in an open letter to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “Today, you are my family.”
We would not be where we are today without the support of people like the Cottrells, the Pauleys and other members of our family. Thank you!
Dr. Kenneth A. Ellenbogen
Chair, Division of Cardiology
Martha M. and Harold W. Kimmerling, M.D. Chair in Cardiology
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