VCU Health CMH Visitation Changes
March 30, 2020
For our patients — your safety is our top concern.
(March 30, 2020) The health and safety of our patients, team members, and visitors are critical at all times. Our patient care philosophy depends greatly on engaging family and friends to be part of the healing process. We continue to identify public health practices that reduce the risks of transmitting COVID-19, including restricting visitation within VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital and clinics.
Effective Monday, March 30 at 5:00 p.m., we are instituting a temporary full visitor restriction policy to keep our team members, patients, and communities safe. In this difficult and unprecedented time, we know showing love and care is of the utmost importance, and our teams are committed to providing safe and compassionate care. All who enter the hospital or the CARE Building will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms.
For inpatients this means: We are suspending all in-person visits to hospitalized patients for the duration of the pandemic. Exceptions include:
• Labor and Delivery unit: One (1) adult visitor, 18 years or older, permitted per patient
• Pediatric patients in all units: One (1) adult visitor, 18 years or older, permitted per patient
• Patients who are at the end of life: The number of visitors are determined by the patients' care team.
To reach a patient, please dial (434) 584, followed by the four digits of the patient's room number.
For outpatients this means: For those with appointments, we are instituting the following temporary outpatient appointment policy:
• Only patients with verified appointments may enter our hospitals and clinics. Appointments will be verified at entry screening stations.
• For pediatric patients with verified appointments: Two (2) accompanying adults, 18 years or older, permitted per patient
The restrictions also apply to people entering the Emergency Department.
As of last Friday, March 27, 2020 virtual appointments are now possible with all VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital provider offices.
The patient should contact the practice using the telephone number of that practice to get the process started. This is for established patients only, no new patients can be added to this process unless they are requesting appointments directly related to COVID-19 (coronavirus).
Once the appointment has been made, the patient should:
1. Check their email for a Zoom meeting invite.
2. Write down Meeting ID in case needed while joining meeting
3. To join meeting, click on the link below “Join Zoom Meeting”. The provider must have initiated meeting in order for patient to join in. If not, the patient will not be able to join in until the provider starts meeting. Patient may have to try and re-join after a couple of minutes.
4. Patient needs to select “Join with Video”
5. Then join with “Call using Internet Audio” or “Dial in” - will need Meeting ID if dialing in
6. Leave meeting by clicking “End Meeting”
Additional precautions:
- Everyone that enters a VCU Health CMH location will be screened for COVID-19.
- We ask everyone to take extra steps to ensure good handwashing. Ten handwashing stations have been placed outside the entrances to the following locations and we ask that everyone please wash their hands before entering buildings: main hospital, Emergency Department, C.A.R.E. Building, Leggett Center, Cancer Center - Medical and Radiation Oncology, Chase City Primary Care, Clarksville Primary Care and VCU Health at Tanglewood.
- Visitors who are required to wear a mask to enter a patient room will be provided with only one mask per day, to be used in the patient room.
We understand this is a difficult time for our patients and visitors, and we appreciate your help keeping our loved ones and our community safe. Working together, we are confident that these measures will help us succeed with managing the spread of COVID-19 within our facilities while balancing the visitation needs of our patients.
The Hundley Center
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has taken action to aggressively respond to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). In order to comply with CMS mandates, nursing homes nationwide implemented restrictions and The Hundley Center at VCU Health CMH complied by suspending all visitation. Residents have access to a private phone in their rooms. To reach a resident, please dial (434) 584, followed by the number 4 and the three digits of the resident's room number. Our goal of protecting the health of each resident is of the utmost importance during this unprecedented situation.
VCU Health CMH is closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. For an official case count in Virginia (and locations of cases), please visit the Virginia Department of Health at
For more information about COVID-19, please visit:
The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has a call line established for COVID-19 questions, the number is 877-ASK-VDH3. (877-275-8343)