VCU Health CMH updates masking and visitation policies
April 10, 2023
Because the spread of COVID-19 is at a low community level in Mecklenburg County, VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital has returned to pre-COVID visiting policies and demasked on Monday, April 10, at 8:00 a.m. Masks are no longer required in CMH facilities, except in oncology and extended care facilities.
Cases of severe COVID-19 are unlikely for most people because of widespread vaccine availability and less severe variants, although immunosuppressed patients remain at high risk for severe disease.
The health and safety of all patients and staff will continue to be of the utmost importance. When conditions change, CMH may go back to stricter visitation and masking protocols. As recommended by healthcare professionals, the best defense against COVID-19 is to get vaccinated and fully boosted.
General visitation rules
• Generally, visiting hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.• Masks are optional unless required for patients on isolation.
• There are no restrictions on the age of visitors; however, children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult while in any area of the hospital, including waiting areas. Siblings of newborns may visit at designated times.
• Visitors to the Garland Birthing Center are limited to 3 at a time (1 overnight guest allowed, but must be over the age of 18).
• Visitors will provide identification and receive a badge at the information desk in the front lobby.
• The nursing staff may limit visitors and/or the number of visitors if the patient's condition warrants.
• Visitors should check with nursing staff before entering rooms with signs indicating restrictions, such as special precautions and/or isolation.
• Visitors are requested to eat in the cafeteria except under special circumstances.
• Visitors who are ill with colds, flu or other potentially contagious illnesses are requested not to visit.
• Patients are not to visit other nursing units without nursing staff approval in special circumstances.
• To reach a patient, please dial (434) 584-****, followed by the four digits of the patient's room number.
Emergency, C.A.R.E. Building and outpatient visitors
• Patients in the emergency room are limited to 2 visitors.• Patients having outpatient surgery are limited to 2 visitors.
• C.A.R.E. Building and clinics (except oncology) have no restrictions.
Oncology appointments
• Immunosuppressed patients remain at high risk for severe disease, so masking is still required in oncology inpatient and outpatient areas.• Oncology patients may be accompanied by 1 adult (18 or older) companion at a time.