8 quick tips for a safe Halloween
October 30, 2022
With Halloween just a few days away, the last thing you want is to end the night with a medical emergency. Whether your plans are for adults or kids, prepare for the tricks and the treats with these helpful safety tips.
Top tips for keeping your family safe this Halloween
1. Check candy for choking hazards or food allergies.
2. During this time of year, when the sun sets before the day is done, take extra precautions and stay visible with a reflective bag, flashlight, or glow sticks.
3. Prevent a visit to our Evans-Haynes Burn Center by avoiding walking near lit pumpkins, candles, or paper luminaries.
4. Look both ways before crossing the street. Use established crosswalks when possible and never dart out into the street.
5. Test any makeup or face paint at least 24-48 hours in advance. Avoid an allergic reaction by putting a small amount on the arm of the person who will be wearing it. If a rash, redness, swelling, or other irritation occurs — that's a sign of a possible allergy.
6. Remind all parties about the steps involved in calling 9-1-1, the Virginia Poison Center, or their local emergency contact.
7. Dispose of all: candy with torn packages, holes, opened wrapping, and soiled items. Also, toss suspicious items of any kind, including homemade treats prepared by someone you don't know.
8. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before eating any candy. We advise against consuming any of your treats until you get home.
Remember, going out isn't the only way to celebrate Halloween! You can keep the fun and magic at home with a costume party, spooky scavenger hunt, or movie night.