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Living Kidney Donation

The national wait time for a deceased donor kidney transplant can be as long as six years. Living donations significantly decrease the wait time for patients in need of a kidney transplant.

Having a living kidney donor helps ensure that patients are in better health during transplant surgery by reducing their wait. It also helps people waiting for deceased donor kidneys by lowering the number of people on the waiting list.

Living donation does not change life expectancy for the donor, who can continue to lead a normal life after recovery from the surgery. Studies have shown that one kidney is enough to keep the body healthy by removing waste and excess fluid from the blood.

About Living Kidney Donation

Living donation takes place when a person donates a kidney to someone in need of a transplant. The donor is often a close family member such as a parent, child or sibling, but can also be a spouse, more distant family member or friend.

We offer robotic-assisted donor nephrectomies using advanced robotic surgical systems, an innovative procedure that greatly improves the surgical experience for the donor. Patients experience much less pain post-surgery, and typical in-hospital recovery time is only two to three days. Many donors report feeling well within days and return to work within two to three weeks after the surgery.

We also offer our Gumenick Suites for living donors during their inpatient stay. The Gumenick Suites are located in the Main Hospital, 9th floor, adjacent to our dedicated inpatient unit. As a Gumenick Suites guest, living donors will enjoy advantages that aid in peace of mind and comfort, such as higher nurse-to-patient ratios plus gourmet meals.

It's the least we can do for these heroes.

Living Kidney Donor Evaluation

If you know of someone in need of a kidney transplant or are interested in becoming a living kidney donor, you are invited to complete our online Living Kidney Donor Evaluation. Once this easy-to-use online form is completed the information will be securely sent to our living donor intake team.

Begin the living kidney donor evaluation

If you would like more time or information before completing your evaluation form, please explore the resources available on this website. Read our Q&A to find out how you can save a life by becoming a living kidney donor.

Download Our Guide

To learn more about living organ donation, please call (804) 828-2762 to speak to our living donor patient concierge representative.