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Ways of Giving

As a community nonprofit hospital, our employees, medical staff and volunteers work hard every day to provide the highest quality medical care to this area! Your tax deductible contribution helps CMH provide all community citizens access to quality health care, maintain a modern, up-to-date facility and keep pace with technological advances.

All Gifts are Important!

Your support plays a critical role in the future of the hospital and has a direct impact on healthcare for the community.

There are a variety of ways that you can support the hospital:

  • Outright gifts
  • Gifts of tribute
  • An estate gift
  • Sponsoring & participating in special events

Your gift is fully tax deductible to the extent of the law. Donors should always consult their tax or financial advisors to see what method is best for them.

Whatever option you chose, please know that your generosity is very much appreciated and truly makes a difference. Gifts should be directed to:

CMH Foundation
P.O. Box 90
1755 Mecklenburg Ave.
South Hill, Virginia 23970

(434) 447-0857

Online Gift:

Making your gift online is easy using your credit card. Please use our secure online form. We accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. Your personal information is kept both secure and confidential.

Make a Donation Online


Gifts of Cash:

Gifts of cash are a popular choice and are usually in the form of a check.

Gifts of Tribute:

Have the lives and hearts of you or a loved one been touched by a program or service of VCU Community Memorial Hospital? Gifts of tribute are the perfect way to commemorate the importance of significant people in your life and at the same time make a difference in health services and programs in your community. Through our Gifts of the Heart Program, your gift can be directed to a particular service or program that has touched your life; such as cancer care, hospice, etc., or can be directed to the Foundation for greatest need.

We will promptly acknowledge your gift (amounts are not disclosed) with an inscribed card to the person, family, or any organization you ask us to notify. Gifts of any amount are gratefully accepted and appreciated.

To make a gift or receive more information, please contact the CMH Foundation Office at (434) 447-0857 or send your gift to the CMH Foundation, P.O. Box 90, 300 East Ferrell Street, South Hill, Virginia 23970.

Charitable Giving Plans That Can Have Significant Tax and Estate Benefits:

Gifts of Appreciated Property:

Gifts of appreciated property (securities, real estate or other property) are an excellent way to support CMH that can result in maximum tax savings for you with little or no effect on your spendable income. You can make a meaningful gift while qualifying for not only an income tax deduction, but also eliminating capital gains tax. For more information on how to make this type gift, please contact the CMH Foundation Office at (434) 447-0857.

Retirement Funds:

For many, the best method of charitable giving is through a Retirement Plan gift. Retirement funds are often subject to extremely high tax rates. Not only are they taxed as income during one's lifetime, but just as important to many are the tax consequences of transferring Retirement Plans to beneficiaries at death. Gifts to CMH from Retirement Accounts and IRAs are a smart way to support your local hospital, and simplify your personal taxes. Donors should talk with their financial advisors to see what is best for them. For more information on how to make this type gift, please contact the CMH Foundation Office at (434) 447-0857.

Charitable Lead Trust:

This type trust is a smart way of making a significant gift to CMH and enjoy gift or estate tax savings. Assets are placed in the trust for a designated period of time—typically 5, 10, 15, 20 or more years and the trust pays an annual charitable gift to CMH. At the conclusion of the term the asset reverts back to the donor or the donor's heirs free of estate and gift tax. Donors should consult with their tax and financial advisors regarding how this could work in their particular situation.

This estate gift qualifies you as a member of our Legacy Circle, a special group of individuals who have chosen to leave a lasting legacy to their hospital and community.

Charitable Remainder Trust:

This estate gift to CMH can provide you (and your spouse, if appropriate) with lifetime income and cash flow and a current income tax deduction, while making an important charitable gift to strengthen health services in the future. Placing assets in a charitable remainder trust can also avoid all capital gains and future estate taxes. Contact the CMH Foundation for more information about creating a charitable remainder trust.

This estate gift qualifies you as a member of our Legacy Circle, a special group of individuals who have chosen to leave a lasting legacy to their hospital and community.


Bequests through wills allowing individuals to make significant contributions that may not be possible during their lifetimes. When you make a bequest to the hospital, your taxable estate is reduced by a 100 percent deduction for the amount of a cash gift, or by fair market value of appreciated assets. For sample language you may use to remember VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital in your will, please contact (434) 447-0857. This estate gift qualifies you as a member of our Legacy Circle, a special group of individuals who have chosen to leave a lasting legacy to their hospital and community.

Life Estate:

Instead of donating cash or securities to fund a gift, you may prefer to give the hospital the ultimate ownership of your home, while retaining life use for yourself. You may also want a survivor (perhaps your spouse) to be allowed to enjoy life occupancy. By deeding the property to the hospital now, subject to your life possession, you may benefit by a sizable, current income tax deduction. For more information on this type of giving, contact (434) 447-0857.

This estate gift qualifies you as a member of our Legacy Circle, a special group of individuals who have chosen to leave a lasting legacy to their hospital and community.

Life Insurance Gifts:

Life insurance is an often overlooked asset that can be used to fund a gift. You can name the hospital as beneficiary of a policy that is no longer needed for its original purpose, or you can transfer actual ownership of the policy or buy a new policy for the hospital's benefit. Your gift will entitle you to an income tax deduction, and future premium payments will be tax deductible. For more information, contact (434) 447-0857.

This estate gift qualifies you as a member of our Legacy Circle, a special group of individuals who have chosen to leave a lasting legacy to their hospital and community.

Donors are advised to talk with their tax and financial advisors to see what method of charitable giving is best for them. The CMH Foundation staff is happy to answer any questions. You may contact the Foundation office at (434) 447-0857.